How business intelligence drives success

Business intelligence (BI) encompasses a wide range of techniques and technologies that enable organizations to harness their data to gain valuable insights. Whether it’s identifying market trends, optimizing operations, or understanding customer behavior, business intelligence empowers organizations to take a data-driven approach, resulting in improved performance and competitive advantage. What is business intelligence? Business intelligence […]

How big data helps reduce hospital readmissions

Business intelligence (BI), or big data, involves analyzing large data sets to improve decision-making. This concept has been around for many years, and it has certainly benefited a sprawling industry like healthcare. One of the main reasons for this has to do with the Affordable Care Act, which penalizes hospitals for having high readmission rates. […]

Here’s why your SMB should consider business intelligence

For years, big companies have been harnessing the power of business intelligence (BI) to improve business performance. And for them, paying experts to analyze large data sets is no issue. It’s different with small- and medium-sized businesses (SMBs). SMBs also store large volumes of data, but many SMB owners are wary of spending too much […]

Improving healthcare systems with big data

The positive effects of business intelligence (BI) and big data analytics on healthcare management are becoming increasingly apparent — especially when it comes to reducing hospital readmission rates. Take a look at why many hospitals and clinics are beginning to embrace the potentials of data-driven business. At its core, BI software is all about data […]

Reasons why companies should use business intelligence

Your small business’s data is valuable, and utilizing it for growth strategies lets you discover opportunities. One way to do that is to use business intelligence (BI) tools. Multinational companies have been using them for years with the assistance of experts who help make sense of massive amounts of data. Now that there’s a growing […]

How big data helps lower hospital readmission rates

Mistakes sometimes happen in the medical world, leading to missed diagnoses, improper self-medication, and, inevitably, hospital readmissions. But business intelligence (BI) is changing that by equipping healthcare professionals with powerful real-time information. At its core, BI software is all about data analytics. BI software is capable of accepting overwhelming amounts of data in short periods […]

Why BI is for everyone

If you’ve managed to convince yourself that only large enterprises have the money to take advantage of Business Intelligence (BI), then think again. In the past, companies needed to hire expensive experts to really delve into BI. But these days, there is a range of affordable self-service tools that will allow small- and medium-sized businesses […]

Three types of business dashboards

Dashboards allow you to better understand your customers and easily make informed business decisions. But with many types of dashboards out there, each serving a unique purpose, how do you determine which one is best for your company? We’ve listed three types of the most widely used dashboards below. Strategic dashboards Ideal for senior managers […]

Reasons your business needs CRM software

Failure to understand your customers’ needs and wants could result in ill-informed marketing strategies. And when your company can’t satisfy their demands, they’ll likely turn to your competitors instead. To prevent this, deploying a customer relationship management (CRM) system can make a world of difference. Here’s a handful of reasons to make the switch. Grows […]

How to get the most from your business data

It’s one thing to collect your business’s data, but turning that information into insights that propel your organization toward growth is quite another. Analyzing your data can be daunting, but it shouldn’t get pushed to the bottom of your to-do list. Here are a few tricks you can use to make better forecasts. Many businesses […]